Learn how to reduce friction and improve collaboration between security and engineering teams. Read our Guide
Unified Cloud-Native Remediation Platform

Remediate Vulnerabilities Across Your Entire Ecosystem

Orchestrate end-to-end remediation across cloud, applications, code, and infrastructure, align fragmented security tools, and reduce friction between development, security, and operations teams.

From Discord to Harmony

Streamline Remediation

Gain visibility and manageability based on a consolidated and prioritized risk map, and a clear remediation workflow.

Create Remediation Routine

Make it easy for the right person to fix the right issue, quickly and within the existing workloads.

Boost Developer Experience

Create a seamless remediation process within the existing tech stack and workflows, including practical code suggestions.

Maximize Security Posture

Close the gaps between all security tools and professionals across environments and reduce time-to-fix from weeks to hours.

Simplify processes, reduce workloads, and foster a collaborative culture


Aggregate all issues across tools and envirnments, and consolidate according to root cause analysis, reducing alerts to less than half.

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Fix what actually matters with prioritization based on risk, contextual analysis, and event de-duplication, ensuring your biggest vulnerabilities are resolved instantly.

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Get clear visibility and manage a fully automated remediation lifecycle to orchestrate remediation at scale and fix thousands of issues at once.

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Reduce friction between dev and security teams, providing a personalized experience that is – relevant (the right person), actionable (remediation suggestions), and native (within their own tools).

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Aggregate all issues across tools and environments and consolidate according to root cause analysis, reducing alerts by more than half.

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Fix what actually matters with risk-based prioritization, contextual analysis and event de-duplication, ensuring effective vulnerability remediation.

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Get clear visibility and manage a fully automated remediation lifecycle, easily assigning tasks and fix suggestions to relevant dev team members.

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Reduce friction between dev and security teams with a personalized, collaborative experience that is relevant (the right person), actionable (remediation suggestions), and native (within their own tools).

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Same Screens, Same Habits, Better Results

Opus seamlessly integrates with all your tech stack & security tools, ensuring complete visibility and effective vulnerability remediation.

Explore Our Integration

Faster. With the Numbers to Prove It.


Fewer Findings
Using Root Cause Analysis


Less Manual Effort
Leveraging Automation


Shorter MTTR
For issues that Matter

Watch On-Demand Opus Demo

See how Opus seamlessly orchestrates vulnerability remediation across your entire ecosystem, including cloud, applications, code, and infrastructure.

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Vulnerability Remediation Assessment

Interactive wizard to find your remediation gaps and get you on track

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Don’t Take Our Word for It, Listen to What They Have to Say…

“Opus has set our company’s foundations for cross-organizational security efforts. The platform has helped me bring everyone I needed to the table, removing organizational friction and blind spots while ensuring that all teams have what they need to excel. With engineering and security teams aligned and collaborating, our remediation process took 10 leaps forward."

Mid-Size Fintech Company

“With a growing number of findings across disparate environments and a large number of teams, our engineers were drowning in issues without a clear strategy to resolve them. Opus blocks out the noise by fixing what matters using less time, resources and energy and making the process more efficient.”

Director of Cloud Security,  
Fortune 500 Technology Company

״Organizations should not have to prioritize security over business continuity, and already strained SecOps teams are ill-equipped to handle the nuanced decisions demanded of them. Opus’ founders have built a platform that cloud-native security leadership demands - maximizing cloud security automation while retaining and enhancing business benefits״

Dan Plastina,  
Former VP & Head of Security Services at AWS

״The shift-left trend has necessitated a revised approach to remediation. Organizations need to bridge skill and resource gaps and create an orchestrated, automated alignment process across all teams. Traditional manual tasks and friction between teams result in heightened risk and jeopardize business continuity.״

Gerhard Eschelbeck,  
CSO at Aurora and Former CISO at Google

The Art of Vulnerability Remediation

8 Steps Guide to Help Your Developers Remediate Better

8 Steps Guide to Help Your Developers Remediate Better

a guide for transforming security operations with a developer-focused approach to remediation

Step-by-step guide to the ultimate vulnerability remediation framework

Step-by-step guide to the ultimate vulnerability remediation framework

This guide highlights the essential elements required for effective vulnerability remediation appropriate for various organizational sizes, scales, and sectors.

Security Remediation Budgeting - Everything You Need to Know

Security Remediation Budgeting - Everything You Need to Know

Discover key strategies for security remediation budgeting in our concise guide. Learn to justify costs, align security with business goals, and secure executive buy-in

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Live Demo Today.

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