Move Beyond Shift Left and Shift Smart

Maor Kuriel, Head of Product Management
Maor Kuriel, Head of Product Management
June 29, 2023

More alerts don’t equal better risk posture.

Security teams are currently facing a multitude of challenges that hinder their ability to effectively manage posture and reduce risk exposure. The existing security vendor landscape contributes to the problem, as numerous tools inundate teams with excessive alerts, creating noise and making it difficult to prioritize and address actual security issues. This overabundance of alerts and issues results in an overwhelming triage process for security professionals, consuming valuable time that could be better spent on remediation and response. Moreover, the manual effort required to deduplicate alerts across disparate systems adds to the burden, hindering scalability and efficiency. Additionally, tracking deployed applications and assessing the potential impact of misconfigurations requires significant time and effort, with vast amounts of available data remaining untapped. In order to achieve true posture management, organizations need solutions that streamline alert management, consolidate data from various sources, and provide actionable insights to enable effective risk mitigation and resource allocation.

Track the Right Risk Metrics : How they get it wrong.

Security teams often focus on the mean time to remediate (MTTR), but this does not optimize risk reduction. They focus on remediating all vulnerabilities fast while ignoring metrics like exploitability, threat actor association, asset criticality, and business context.

Streamlining remediation processes and combining the metrics we listed above can significantly reduce the load on the remedial processes, solving the modern problem security teams face today.

Siloed tools equals siloed processes equals siloed teams.

Security has evolved from outside the walls of security teams; it’s now an organizational effort. Unfortunately, CNAPP and AST vendors didn’t build their tools to support cross-functional collaboration. Seamlessly orchestrating tasks and data between teams and tools to support reducing time to track the root cause and automatically assess the organizational context, is imperative now more than ever. Enriching the security alert with context increases visibility, enabling SecOps to trust the information and prioritize remediation tasks effectively. 

Security teams need a tool that collects, organizes, and enriches detection data across all of your siloed tools. One that is agile enough to present information in one view and in other tools used by other teams; keep developers and other teams in their preferred tools. A tool that understands the relational reality of remediation.